Modern Valley Solar, Inc.


DIY Solar Panel Installation: Weighing the Pros and Cons for Homeowners

DIY Solar Install


As the world moves towards clean and sustainable energy sources, solar power has emerged as a viable alternative to traditional fossil fuels. The concept of generating electricity from the sun’s rays has been around for decades, but it’s only in recent years that solar technology has advanced to the point where it’s both efficient and affordable for homeowners. 

As a result, an increasing number of people are considering installing solar panels on their property. While some opt for professional installation, others choose to take the DIY route. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of installing your own solar panels to help you make an informed decision.

Benefits of DIY Solar Panel Installation

Cost Savings

One of the main reasons people choose to install solar panels themselves is the potential for significant cost savings. Professional installation can be expensive, sometimes costing thousands of dollars, depending on the size of the system. By installing the panels yourself, you can save on labor costs, which can make the overall project more affordable. This could mean a quicker return on your investment and long-term financial savings on your energy bills.

Customization and Flexibility

When you install your own solar panels, you have the freedom to design a system that best suits your needs and preferences. You can choose the types of panels, inverters, and batteries you want, as well as the optimal placement for maximum efficiency. This allows you to create a system that fits your specific energy needs and property layout, rather than being limited by the offerings of a professional installer.

Sense of Accomplishment and Skill-Building

For those who enjoy DIY projects, installing solar panels can be an exciting and rewarding experience. Successfully completing a solar panel installation can give you a sense of accomplishment and pride in your work. Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to learn new skills and gain valuable knowledge about solar energy systems, which could be useful for future projects or even a career change.

Drawbacks of DIY Solar Panel Installation

Complexity and Potential for Mistakes

Installing solar panels isn’t as simple as hammering a few nails or painting a wall. It’s a complex process that requires a thorough understanding of electrical systems, building codes, and safety precautions. Without proper training or experience, you might make mistakes during the installation process that could lead to inefficiencies or even damage to your property. In some cases, these errors could negate any cost savings you might have gained by doing the installation yourself.

Time Investment

Installing solar panels on your own can be a time-consuming process, especially if you’re learning as you go. You’ll need to spend time researching, planning, and purchasing the necessary components, as well as physically installing the system. This can be a significant commitment, particularly for those with limited free time or other pressing responsibilities.

Potential Voided Warranties

When you choose to install your own solar panels, you may inadvertently void the manufacturer’s warranty on the equipment. Many manufacturers require professional installation to maintain the warranty, and if you encounter issues with the system down the road, you might be left without support or recourse. This could lead to additional costs for repairs or replacements that might not have been necessary with a professional installation.

Safety Concerns

Working with electricity always carries a certain level of risk, and solar panel installation is no exception. If you’re not familiar with the proper safety precautions, you could put yourself in danger during the installation process. Additionally, poorly installed solar panels could pose a risk to your home and its occupants if they’re not properly grounded or secured.

Permitting and Inspection Requirements

In many areas, solar panel installations require permits and inspections to ensure compliance with local building codes and regulations. Navigating this process can be confusing and time-consuming for those who are not familiar with it. Professional installers typically handle permitting and inspection requirements on your behalf, which can save you the hassle of dealing with local authorities. As a DIY installer, you’ll need to educate yourself on the specific requirements for your area and ensure that your installation meets all necessary standards.

Decreased Property Value

While a professionally installed solar energy system can increase your property’s value, a DIY installation might have the opposite effect. Potential buyers may be wary of a system that was not installed by a certified professional, as they might question its safety and effectiveness. In some cases, you may even need to remove or replace the system before selling your property, which could negate any cost savings you achieved by installing the panels yourself.


Deciding whether to install solar panels yourself or hire a professional installer is a personal choice that depends on your priorities, skills, and resources. DIY installation can offer cost savings, customization, and a sense of accomplishment, but it also comes with potential drawbacks, including complexity, time investment, safety concerns, and potential permitting issues.

If you’re confident in your ability to tackle a complex DIY project and are willing to invest the time and effort, installing your own solar panels could be a rewarding experience. However, if you’re unsure about your skills or simply want the peace of mind that comes with a professional installation, it might be best to leave the job to the experts.

Regardless of which route you choose, installing solar panels on your property can be a great way to reduce your carbon footprint, save on energy costs, and contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable future.


Installing Your Own Solar Panels

Installing your own solar panels can be a rewarding and cost-effective way to generate clean, renewable energy for your home or business. While it’s not a project for the faint of heart, with the right tools and knowledge, it is possible for a DIY enthusiast to install solar panels on their own. In this blog post, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide to installing your own solar panels, as well as some important considerations to keep in mind before you get started.

What You’ll Need

Before we get into the details of the installation process, let’s first talk about what you’ll need to get started. Here’s a list of the tools and materials you’ll need:

  • Solar panels: You’ll need to purchase the solar panels themselves, which come in different sizes and wattages. You’ll also need to consider the type of panel you want (monocrystalline or polycrystalline), as well as the size of the panel in relation to your energy needs.

  • Mounting system: You’ll need a mounting system to hold the solar panels in place. There are different options available, including ground mounts, roof mounts, and pole mounts. You’ll need to choose the mounting system that is best suited to your location and needs.

  • Inverter: The inverter is what converts the direct current (DC) produced by the solar panels into alternating current (AC), which is the type of electricity used in your home or business. You’ll need to choose an inverter that is compatible with your solar panels and your energy needs.

  • Wiring and electrical components: You’ll need a variety of wiring and electrical components to connect the solar panels to the inverter and your home’s electrical system. This includes things like wire connectors, junction boxes, and circuit breakers.

  • Tools: You’ll need a variety of tools to complete the installation, including a drill, screwdriver, wire stripper, and voltage tester.

Now that you have all of the necessary materials and tools, let’s get started on the installation process.

Step 1: Choose The Panel Location

The first step in installing your own solar panels is to choose a location for them. Ideally, you’ll want to choose a location that receives plenty of direct sunlight throughout the day. You’ll also need to consider factors like the slope of the roof (if you’re installing on a roof), the load-bearing capacity of the roof, and the availability of an electrical panel.

Step 2: Install the mounting system

The next step is to install the mounting system for the solar panels. This will depend on the type of mounting system you’ve chosen. If you’re using a roof mount, you’ll need to attach the mounting brackets to the roof using bolts. If you’re using a ground mount, you’ll need to dig holes and install the mounting poles.

Step 3: Install the solar panels

Once the mounting system is in place, you can begin installing the solar panels. You’ll need to attach the panels to the mounting system using bolts or screws, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Be sure to leave enough space between the panels to allow for proper airflow and cooling.

Step 4: Connect the solar panels to the inverter

Next, you’ll need to connect the solar panels to the inverter using wire connectors and junction boxes. You’ll also need to install a circuit breaker to protect your home’s electrical system.

Step 5: Connect the inverter to your home’s electrical panel

Finally, you’ll need to connect the inverter to your home’s electrical panel. This will allow the electricity generated by the solar panels to be distributed throughout your home or business. You’ll need to turn off the main power supply to your home before making this connection to ensure your safety. Then, you can connect the inverter to the electrical panel using wire connectors and a circuit breaker.

Step 6: Test the system

Once everything is connected and installed, it’s important to test the system to make sure it’s working properly. You can do this by turning on the main power supply and checking the inverter to see if it’s producing electricity. If everything is working correctly, you should see a reading on the inverter and your home’s electrical panel should show that it is receiving power from the solar panels.

Step 7: Monitor and maintain the system

Once your solar panel system is up and running, it’s important to monitor it regularly to ensure it’s working efficiently. You can do this by checking the inverter and keeping an eye on your energy usage. It’s also a good idea to have the system inspected by a professional every year to ensure everything is in good working order.


That’s it! Those are the basic steps for installing your own solar panels. While it’s not a small project, with the right tools, knowledge, and care, it is possible for a DIY enthusiast to install their own solar panels and start generating clean, renewable energy for their home or business.

Before you get started, there are a few important things to keep in mind:

  • Safety is crucial. Be sure to follow all safety guidelines and precautions when working with electricity and installing the solar panels.

  • Check your local codes and regulations. Different locations have different rules and regulations regarding solar panel installation. Be sure to check with your local authorities to ensure you are following all necessary guidelines.

  • Consider hiring a professional. While it is possible to install your own solar panels, it is a complex project that requires a certain level of knowledge and expertise. If you are not comfortable with the installation process, it may be worth hiring a professional to ensure the job is done safely and correctly.

We hope this guide has provided you with a better understanding of how to install your own solar panels. By taking the time to understand the process and following these steps, you can take an active role in reducing your carbon footprint and generating clean, renewable energy for your home or business.

Tired of trying to navigate the complex world of solar panel installation on your own? Let the experts at Modern Valley Solar handle it for you! With our top-notch installation services, you can sit back and let us do the hard work. Save yourself the headache and contact Modern Valley Solar today to get started on your journey to renewable energy!


How Solar Panels Work

Solar panels are a popular and efficient way to harness the power of the sun and convert it into electricity for our homes and businesses. But have you ever stopped to wonder exactly how they work? In this blog post, we’ll delve into the science behind solar panels and explain the process of converting sunlight into electricity in detail.

First, let’s start with a little bit of background information. Solar panels are made up of photovoltaic cells, which are made from layers of silicon, phosphorus, and boron. When sunlight hits the solar panel, it is absorbed by the photovoltaic cells and the energy from the sunlight is transferred to the silicon atoms in the cells.


Now, let’s talk about how this energy is converted into electricity. When the sunlight hits the solar panel, it excites the electrons in the silicon atoms and causes them to become loose and move around. This movement of electrons creates an electric current, which can be captured and used to power our homes and businesses.

So how do we capture this electricity and use it? The photovoltaic cells in a solar panel are arranged in a grid pattern, with positive and negative layers. The loose electrons that are excited by the sunlight are attracted to the positive layer, while the positively charged holes left behind are attracted to the negative layer. This creates an electric current as the electrons flow from the negative layer to the positive layer.

This electric current is then sent to an inverter, which converts the direct current (DC) produced by the solar panel into alternating current (AC), which is the type of electricity that is used in our homes and businesses. From there, the AC electricity is sent to a breaker box and distributed to the various outlets and appliances in our home or business.

So that’s the basic process of how solar panels convert sun energy into electricity. But there’s a lot more to it than that.


 There are many different factors that can affect the efficiency of a solar panel, such as the angle of the panel relative to the sun, the amount of sunlight it receives, and the temperature of the panel.

One of the main factors that affects the efficiency of a solar panel is the angle at which it is installed. The optimal angle for a solar panel will depend on its location and the time of year. For example, if a solar panel is installed in the northern hemisphere, it should be angled towards the south to maximize the amount of sunlight it receives.

Another factor that can affect the efficiency of a solar panel is the amount of sunlight it receives. Solar panels are most efficient when they receive direct sunlight, so it’s important to install them in a location where they will receive as much direct sunlight as possible.

Finally, the temperature of the solar panel can also affect its efficiency. As the temperature of the panel increases, the efficiency of the panel decreases. This is because the heat causes the electrons in the photovoltaic cells to become less mobile, making it more difficult for them to flow and create an electric current.

So there you have it! That’s a basic overview of how solar panels convert sun energy into electricity. Solar panels are a clean, renewable energy source that can help to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and combat climate change. By understanding the science behind solar panels, we can make informed decisions about how to best utilize this technology and make the most of the sun’s energy.


If you’re interested in switching to solar energy in Tehachapi, Bakersfield, or Shafter California, we encourage you to contact Modern Valley Solar for a free consultation. Our team will work with you to assess your energy needs and design a customized solar energy solution to meet your goals. Contact us today to learn more and start saving with solar!


Modern Valley Solar Now Serving Tehachapi, California

Tehachapi residents and businesses, are you looking to switch to solar energy? Look no further than Modern Valley Solar! We are excited to announce that we are now offering our top-rated solar services to the community of Tehachapi, California. With over 10 years of experience in the solar industry, we are committed to helping you save money on your electricity bills and switch to renewable energy.

Why Choose Modern Valley Solar in Tehachapi, California:

  • Expert team: Our team of certified solar installers has extensive experience in the solar industry and is dedicated to providing the highest level of service to our clients.

  • Wide range of services: We offer a full range of solar services, including solar panel installation, battery storage, and solar financing options.

  • Customized solutions: No two solar projects are the same, which is why we offer personalized solutions to meet the specific needs of each of our clients.

  • Competitive pricing: We offer competitive pricing on all of our solar products and services, and we work with our clients to find the best financing options to fit their budget.

  • Local presence: As a local Tehachapi business, we are committed to giving back to our community and supporting local economic growth.

Switch to Solar with Modern Valley Solar in Tehachapi, California:

If you’re interested in switching to solar energy in Tehachapi, California, we encourage you to contact Modern Valley Solar for a free consultation. Our team will work with you to assess your energy needs and design a customized solar energy solution to meet your goals. Contact us today to learn more and start saving with solar!


Modern Valley Solar Now Serving Shafter, California

Modern Valley Solar is excited to announce that we are now offering our top-rated solar energy services to the community of Shafter, California. With over 10 years of experience in the solar industry, we are committed to helping Shafter residents and businesses switch to renewable energy and save money on their electricity bills.

Why Choose Modern Valley Solar in Shafter, California:

  • Expert team: Our team of certified solar installers has extensive experience in the solar industry and is dedicated to providing the highest level of service to our clients.

  • Wide range of services: We offer a full range of solar services, including solar panel installation, battery storage, and solar financing options.

  • Customized solutions: No two solar projects are the same, which is why we offer personalized solutions to meet the specific needs of each of our clients.

  • Competitive pricing: We offer competitive pricing on all of our solar products and services, and we work with our clients to find the best financing options to fit their budget.

  • Local presence: As a local Shafter business, we are committed to giving back to our community and supporting local economic growth.

Switch to Solar with Modern Valley Solar in Shafter, California:

If you’re interested in switching to solar energy in Shafter, California, we encourage you to contact Modern Valley Solar for a free consultation. Our team will work with you to assess your energy needs and design a customized solar energy solution to meet your goals. Contact us today to learn more and start saving with solar!